Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Eve, 2011

My Mother and Dad are buried right next to our town's National Cemetery, where today preparations were underway for the big Memorial Day ceremony tomorrow.  Two rows of large American Flags lined the road and small flags were displayed at each grave.  Grass and trees were green from recent rains, and the sound of last-minute mowing filled the air.  As I stood and thought of my parents, I felt that each done the very best they could, and I prayed that I would do the same as I faced the challenges of each day.  I drove away with a feeling of peace.  I thought of the term "balance" which was important in Mother's life, and I felt that my day had indeed been one of balance.  I began today in church, to worship and honor God. Later, for the first time in years, my husband and I enjoyed celebrating a perfect summer day lingering around (and in) a beautiful swimming pool in an absolutely gorgeous setting.  Our time at the pool was followed by my special mission of honoring my parents by visiting their graves.  Afterward, I planned to water my plants and my two new trees. It felt like a very balanced day. I made a potato salad that actually brought compliments my way, and we ate it with a delicious light summer meal that also included fresh corn on the cob.  Our puppy watched us carefully, hoping for a morsel or two. I know not everyone has been blessed with a peaceful, balanced day as I have.  My heart remembers those people who struggle today, and I pray that soon they will be able to experience a simple, normal day again.